
Rules & Regulations

  • Stay in classes is compulsory.
  • Fees are payable in advance. Fees and other payable in advance. Fees and other charges once paid by the candidate are not refundable in full orin part or any account whatsoever.
  • Ragging is strictly prohibited.
  • Students shall be punctual and regular for lectures, demonstrations and clinical experience. 75% attendance in theory is essential to be eligible to appear in examination.
  • Students missing clinical experience and community health experience are required to make it up during their holidays and vacations.
  • Student should obtain atleast 50% marks in the test conducted in the Institute.
  • The discipline of the Institute is to be strictly observed. Any act of misbehavior, violation of rules, refusal from duty, poor performance in theory and practical, instigations for strikes and misconduct will be viewed seriously which can result in expulsion from the institute without any claims.
  • Students shall pay for all damages caused by them to the Institution property and library books.
  • Students shall not keep with them valuables such as jewellery, cash etc. Authorities will not be responsible for any loss.
  • All students must be member of the student nurses Association and contribute their talents to this professional organization. The yearly membership has to be paid at the starting of the new session. Participation in extracurricular activities is compulsory for all students.
  • Institute does not have any kind of responsibility of the student while going to the hospital community experience or while going and coming back from home.
  • No students will leave the hostel or hospital without permission.
  • Students will not be allowed to entertain their parents / guardian /relations / friends during school hours.
  • Students are forbidden to accept gifts (in kind or cash) from the patients and their relatives.
  • Intimacy with the male persons in the hospitals / Field Areas will be viewed seriously and may result in termination of Training.
  • During the training period, no student will be permitted to appear in any other examination or competition.
  • The Principal / Director reserves the right to change the time table and the yearly planner at any time.
  • In all matters, the decision of the PRINCIPAL will be final.
  • Students should always be in complete, clean and neat uniform.Rules have to be observed very strictly by all students.
  • The student should follow the rules and regulations of the institute regarding attendance, marks, dress code, SNA and leave policy. The details of the same can be obtained from the class coordinator at the time of joining the Institute. Student may be expelled if she disobeys rules and regulations prescribed by the authority.


Students shall abide by all the rules and regulations and such other instructions as may be issued from time to time. Rules are subject to change in accordance with decision of competent authority.